NEW BOOK: World-leading experts provide a comprehensive guide to redesigning processes, practices and strategies to build an outstanding remote workforce
Why this book matters:
- The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated remote working but demand from employees to work remotely was already increasing, with a 2019 report stating that 34% of people surveyed would take a pay cut if they could work remotely part of the time.
- Outlines the benefits of a remote workforce including the lack of wasted time across time zones and why a remote workforce can allow faster expansion and execution
- Shows how to establish KPIs and measure performance of remote employees
- Explains how to adapt processes to engage all employees including meeting types, creating virtual ‘water cooler’ environments, and asynchronous communication
- Includes insights from leading experts such as Marshall Goldsmith (forward), case studies on Adam Miller CEO Cornerstone OnDemand, Courtney Seiter CHRO at Buffer, and Melvin Spiese, Major General, United States Marine Corps (Retired)
- Written by two leading industry experts who have built their award-winning organisations using purely remote workers
Demand from employees to work remotely has been increasing over a number of years, but the unprecedented changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic provided the tipping point that accelerated the transition to remote working. Entire companies were forced to go virtual in a matter of weeks, leaving both managers and employees scrambling to adjust.
This worldwide transition has forced companies to rapidly rethink remote strategies, and many organisations who had previously been resistant inadvertently found numerous unexpected benefits to working remotely. Many now plan to permanently incorporate remote days, or even close down offices to give employees the option to work from home full time.
But the new world of work, managing both virtual and hybrid teams, split between the office and home, presents a number of challenges:
- How can leaders and HR professionals attract and retain talent the business needs?
- How can they develop a team if they’re not all in the same place?
- How can they build a company culture that works for employees in an office, working at home and in co-working spaces?
- How can they maintain organisational oversight if they can’t see their employees?
- How can successful remote working policies and processes be implemented?
Remote Work answers all these questions and more. It provides expert guidance on how to build a remote working strategy that becomes a key competitive advantage for an organisation, engages employees, allows them to perform to their full potential and improves business performance.
This new book is written by two leading industry experts, Chris Dyer and Kim Shepherd, who both successfully transitioned their workforces to remote models following major world events – the 2008 financial crisis, and the 9/11 terror attack. It provides essential guidance on how to implement policies, processes and strategies for remote working, including meeting types, measuring performance and creating virtual ‘water cooler’ environments. It also features advice on technological solutions to adapting processes and driving engagement.
Remote work features fascinating insights from leading experts such as Marshall Goldsmith and case studies from Cornerstone OnDemand, Buffer and United States Marine Corps. It is essential reading for all leaders and HR professionals who are looking for evidence-based answers to pressing questions on how to adjust to the remote work revolution.
Remote Work: Redesign Processes, Practices and Strategies to Engage a Remote Workforce by Chris Dyer and Kim Shepherd, published by Kogan Page, available on Amazon and leading international booksellers