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What Does a Financial Analyst Do?

What Does a Financial Analyst Do?

A financial analyst is an individual, undertaking financial analysis as a primary pa..

Get the Finest Internships in Finance

Get the Finest Internships in Finance

Aspiring finance interns are typically required to do a number of tasks in their int..

Factors of 72 – The Three Main Uses of Factors of Pi

Factors of 72 – The Three Main Uses of Factors of Pi

In the world of mathematics, prime factors of 72, also known as the Phi of Pi, are u..

Learn How to Make Money With a Foreign Currency Exchange

Learn How to Make Money With a Foreign Currency Exchange

Dollars on the Net is the largest private exchange in the world, making it the large..

What Is Derivatives Finance?

What Is Derivatives Finance?

In derivatives finance, a derivative contract derives its value solely from the chan..

What Are Current Assets And Liabilities Of A Company?

What Are Current Assets And Liabilities Of A Company?

In accounting, a certain current asset is anything that can reasonably be expected i..

An Introduction to Current Assets Lists

An Introduction to Current Assets Lists

In accounting, a list of current assets is a list of all assets that are owned by a ..

Using Debt to Assets Ratios to Assess a Company’s Debt Burden

Using Debt to Assets Ratios to Assess a Company’s Debt Burden

The debt to assets ratio refers to the percentage of the overall assets of a company..

Certified Financial Advisor

Certified Financial Advisor

The Certified Financial Consultant designation is an international professional cert..

The Use of Situation Analysis in a Business

The Use of Situation Analysis in a Business

The term “situation analysis” is used for analysis of a company or organ..

Importance Of Industry Analysis

Importance Of Industry Analysis

A detailed industry analysis examines the dynamics and the potential attractiveness ..

What are a VRI Analysis and How Can it Help Me?

What are a VRI Analysis and How Can it Help Me?

VRIO analysis is a company analysis tool that forms a core component of the larger s..

The Different Measures of Net Worth

The Different Measures of Net Worth

Net operating assets are the operating assets of an organization minus its net opera..

Horizontal Analysis Basics

Horizontal Analysis Basics

Horizontal charting, also referred to as trend charting, is an effective method in a..

The Importance Of Debt Coverage Ratios

The Importance Of Debt Coverage Ratios

The debt coverage ratio is a ratio of the total debt, including the interest rate an..

Running a Common Size Analysis

Running a Common Size Analysis

It can be difficult for business owners to find the right tools to conduct a common ..

Business Finance Options

Business Finance Options

Business finance is basically the science and art of managing it so that the lights ..

How to Prepare Your Statement Before You Accept a Loan

How to Prepare Your Statement Before You Accept a Loan

A bankers acceptance is a contract that represents a promise by a lender to pay a bo..

Financial Management Degree Program

Financial Management Degree Program

Financial management is simply a term for things about the study, management, and di..

Why Choose Microsoft Money As Your Financial Manager?

Why Choose Microsoft Money As Your Financial Manager?

Microsoft Money is an online financial management software program developed by Micr..

What is All About Insurance

What is All About Insurance

Insurance is an economic way of protecting one’s assets against financial loss..

The Importance of Asset Valuation

The Importance of Asset Valuation

In business, an asset is an intangible asset owned by an entity or a company. It is ..

How To Avoid the Risks of Poor Credit

How To Avoid the Risks of Poor Credit

Security Finance is an unsecured debt collecting agency that, via a network of affil..

How To Find Free Rates On Money Exchange

How To Find Free Rates On Money Exchange

Money is a common item that can be bought, traded, exchanged or sold. This usually i..

Factors That Affect the Direction of the Stock Market

Factors That Affect the Direction of the Stock Market

A stock price represents the value of a particular stock of a particular entity, ass..

What Is The Bureaus Of Economic Analysis?

What Is The Bureaus Of Economic Analysis?

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) of the United States Federal Reserve is an ind..

How to Make a Successful Plan

How to Make a Successful Plan

A goal is typically a detailed description of the way one plans to accomplish someth..

What Are the Basics of Asset Leasing?

What Are the Basics of Asset Leasing?

In financial accounting, an individual asset is any property owned by an entity or a..

Ways To Make Money From A Website

Ways To Make Money From A Website

If you’ve ever wondered how to make money with a website you may be surprised ..

Working Capital

Working Capital

In most business finance books, the term “working capital” is used to de..

Controlling Your Business Cash Flow With Effective Accounts Receivables Turnover Ratios

Controlling Your Business Cash Flow With Effective Accounts Receivables Turnover Ratios

As a business owner, your accounts payable is an important factor in determining the..

How do banks make money

How do banks make money

Banks make money by charging interest for loans. In contrast to what some people may..

What is Banking

What is Banking

What exactly is banking? The simple answer is that it is a process by which funds ar..

What is a Bank

What is a Bank

A bank routing code is simply a nine digit number, printed on the back of each check..

What is Alpha in Finance

What is Alpha in Finance

What is alpha in finance? What is the relationship between financial metrics and the..

How to Start a Corporation

How to Start a Corporation

How to start a Corporation is a common question. Starting a Corporation is as simple..

What is Corporate Finance

What is Corporate Finance

What is corporate finance? Corporate finance is a specialized field of finance, whic..