Spending quality time with family and loved ones is regarded as the top priority (57%) in a job, followed by taking care of physical or mental health (55%), saving money for the future (34%) and having time to pursue hobbies and other passions (33%).
Wanting to earn as much money as possible is rated by just 16% and focusing time and energy on a career scores a lowly 13%.
Changing attitudes to work and home brought on by the Covid pandemic is causing huge challenges for business, a new global study reveals.
While good pay and benefits are regarded as ideal qualities in a job by 50%, having flexible or remote working is more valued (53%). Other important qualities are low stress (35%), feeling valued and respected (33%) and having a safe environment (27%). Baby boomers (55 -74 years) are the only generation who put pay and benefits ahead of flexible working.
Almost six in ten (57%) workers now want their employer to allow either part or full time working from home where possible. At the same time more than two in five (44%) say good jobs are plentiful and 46% believe they could get another job quickly putting even more pressure on employers. The belief new jobs are plentiful is particularly prevalent among younger Gen Z and Millennials.
The Global Consumer Trends study for UK based Academy of Chief Marketers carried by international market researchers’ Dynata looks at changing attitudes to work and home life in 11 leading countries. Over 11,000 respondents were questioned for the report.
In the UK 47% regard good jobs as easy to find and 50% reckon they could get another job quickly if they tried. In the US that rises to 66% and 68% respectively and in Holland 56% and 53%. Australia also mirrors a high potential for job movement. Only Japan has less than one in three workers, 18%, thinking they could get another job quickly though 33% say jobs ae plentiful.
More than one in five workers (22%) say they expect to be in a different job in the coming year. For Gen Z and Millennials this rises to 40% and 27%.
Almost half (49%) feel their everyday lives have changed completely or a lot with nearly all (94%) saying their lives have changed at least slightly as a result of the pandemic.
Younger generations are impacted more than older groups with almost two thirds (64%) of Gen Z (16-24 years) and six in ten (58%) of Millennials saying their lives have been changed completely or a lot.
The major shift in work and home balance highlights the difficulties faced by Governments and employees pressing for a mass return to the office.
The report states: “The pandemic opened up remote working possibilities for workers globally. Global workers view a flexible schedule or remote option as their top quality and ideal employer, followed by good pay and benefits.
“Right now people around the world are focused on themselves and those they care about. Impressing others, looking good and having a spiritual practice and focusing on work are not as important.” Taking care of one’s physical or mental health is No 1 priority in the USA, Canada and Japan.