August 19th 2021- Goldex, the award-winning multi-dealer marketplace for allocated physical gold, today announced that it has launched a free online academy to democratise financial literacy around gold. Goldex Academy hosts a dedicated vault of expert-backed content with everything an individual needs to know about investing in gold, regardless of their prior financial experience or background.
Global investment demand for gold has grown an average of 18% per year since 2000, and a study by the World Gold Council shared that 61% of respondents trust gold more than fiat currencies. After a particularly tumultuous period felt all around the world through the COVID-19 pandemic, investors are paying more attention than ever to innovative ways of managing their portfolios through turbulence.
There are unique characteristics that set gold apart from other commodities – these have meant that gold has outperformed not only broad-based indices but most individual commodities too. For example, Gold’s performance in the 10 years between 2006 and 2016 outperformed the FTSE 100, 10 and 20 government bonds, UK property, savings accounts and inflation.
However, a barrier to entry for many first-time gold investors has been the lack of a credible and easily accessible online information platform, which the Goldex Academy is designed to address. Free for anyone with an internet connection to access, the academy aims to provide financial literacy around gold and share knowledge for different levels.
While the beginner category addresses questions around how the gold market operates, and a checklist for gold buyers; the Intermediate category jumps to more advanced questions around quantitative easing and understanding trends in the gold market. The Advanced section covers topics such as gold and fiscal policy and how to predict trends in the gold market.
The timing of the Goldex Academy launch coincides with the Basel III regulatory laws coming into effect. These are a set of global financial reforms aiming to ensure banks have enough capital and liquidity, but less leverage, to withstand economic shocks. Market experts believe the new regulations will increase appetites for gold as these new rules have major implications for banks, bullion dealers, and other financial institutions that trade in unallocated gold.
“We see physical gold as the ultimate store of wealth, and we know that it stands the test of time: immune to inflation, financial and banking risks, it is one of the safest ways to invest and build your wealth over time. The problem is, people often don’t know where to start or where to go for expert advice they can trust. This is where Goldex Academy comes in – it serves all levels, and is designed to demystify the process for individuals who aren’t sure where to begin,” said Sylvia Carrasco, CEO of Goldex.
Before it became a “Plug and Play” marketplace for businesses offering allocated physical gold, Goldex was first launched in the UK as a mobile app in 2018, gaining a loyal following among traditional investors and thousands of digital-savvy consumers previously shut out from buying and selling gold at the best prices. The marketplace technology was built to grant such access whilst also improving consumer trust in gold quality and dealer reputability. The Goldex Academy is part of their broader goal to help people invest in physical gold at the fairest price.
To sign up for your free online course, vist The Goldex Academy: https://goldexapp.com/academy/